Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Keep your Kids Safe People

It turns out that I am not too good at this whole blogging thing. I find myself recalling funny stories for friends and having them tell me that I need to write this stuff down. I agree, and start to do just that, only to stop because I'm not getting it "right." But I am determined to try again...if only to make my kids miserable when they grow older and read what I put out here for everyone to read.
So...what's on my mind today? A news story about TV's falling on young children and killing them. We've all heard the horror stories of this happening. I even took precautions against that happening by getting rid of our very old, heavy TV in the playroom when my kids started walking (read climbing). They now have a smaller, but much safer, flat screen mounted to the wall. But even I thought I might be being a little overprotective on that one. It has literally shaken my soul to think about something like that happening to any one of my friends or family. Please, please take precautions to keep your kids safe.

That is all. I promise not to start preaching at you, but I had to share this one thing.